Friday, January 31, 2014




Dear Parents and Students,

          Valentine’s Day is just around the corner! We will be decorating bags later this week for our valentines to be put in, so there is no need to bring a box or bag!  On Wednesday, February 12, the students can start bringing in their valentines to pass out during snack time! Please make sure your child is making a valentine out to each and every person in our classroom. Your child does not have to bring valentines, but if you do PLEASE BE SURE TO BRING ONE FOR EACH STUDENT IN OUR CLASS. It is important to double check you have remembered everyone in the class, as we do not want any hurt feelings. We have 13 boys and 10 girls, which can be a little tricky to remember everyone; so included at the bottom of this letter is a class list to make sure you have everyone!!!   We will open all of the valentines together on Friday, February 14th, during our Valentine’s Day party around 2pm. Thank you so much!

 Names of Girls in our Class:                        Names of Boys in our Class:

          *Asho                                                          *Matthew
          *Zaylea                                                        *Adam
          *Joslyn                                                         *Benito                 
          *Rylie                                                           *Tristan
          *Mara                                                          *Eastin
          *Olivia                                                          *Mitchell
          *Jetta                                                          *Arop
          *Alexis                                                         *Aidan
           *Jayda                                                         *Payton                           *Macey                                                          *Tyler


Feb 3-7, 2014 Spelling Words

Spelling Lesson 20 (List A)

1.   nervous

2.   nonsense

3.   dangerous

4.   famous

5.   hazardous

6.   nonfat

7.   nonfiction

8.   nonstop

9.   nonstick

10.     fabulous

11.     nonactive

12.     poisonous

13.     glorious

14.     country

15.     plants

16.     school

17.     father

18.     never

19.     started

20.     city
Spelling Lesson 20 (List B)
1.   adventurous
2.   nervous
3.   nonsense
4.   nonathletic
5.   dangerous
6.   venomous
7.   poisonous
8.   glorious
9.   hazardous
10.                   nonfiction
11.                   nonviolent
12.                   enormous
13.                   fabulous
14.                   furious
15.                   nonbelief
16.                   happened
17.                   products
18.                   reached
19.                   notice
20.                   numeral

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


In lieu of our past storm/cold days, we will have school on:

Monday, April 21, 2014

Friday, May 30, 2014

Monday, January 27, 2014

Week of January 13 Home Reading Winner

Congrats to our January 13 home reading winner--ASHO!

Asho read 212 minutes at home during the week of January 13!
Way to go Asho!

January Birthdays Birthday Party

All January Birthdays will have the opportunity to CELEBRATE in the gym on January 30th!  If you are a parent of a January birthday that would like to volunteer, please contact Kristie 701-356-2110 in the office to see if she is in need of anyone to help!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Week of January 6 Home Reading Minute Winner

Congrats to Olivia for being our top home reading winner for the week of January 6!

210 home minutes read--way to go Olivia!!!

February 28 Music Program

Our class will be having our MUSIC PERFORMANCE on February 28, 2014 from 10:45-11:15 in the Music Room!  We hope you all can make it on this special day!

Saturday, January 25, 2014


Congrats to the following students in our classroom who showed exemplary home reading during the month of December!

Dec 9-Olivia (240 home reading minutes)
Dec 16-Olivia (260 home reading minutes)
Dec 23-Jayda (250 home reading minutes)
Dec 30- Mitchell (200 home reading minutes)

Morphographs-Spelling-Phonics for January 27-31, 2013

This week's morphographs:
able=able to be
ible=able to be

List A:
1. breakable
2. agreeable
3. readable
4. remarkable
5. enjoyable
6. doable
7. invalid
8. insane
9. edible
10. possible
11. legible
13. horrible
14. incomplete
15. incorrect
16. high
17. every
18. between
19. own
20. below

List B:
1. dependable
2. breakable
3. agreeable
4. predictable
5. remarkable
6. edible
7. tangible
8. terrible
9. visible
10. informal
11. inexpensive
12. injustice
13. invisible
14. incomplete
15. horrible
16. measure
17. remember
18. several
19. against
20. certain

Welcome to our classroom, Aidan!

Right after our winter break, we were so excited to add a new student to our classroom!  We took some fun pictures as a group to hold a memory of this special day! Welcome Aidan!

Friday, January 24, 2014

What does Editing look like in Grade 3?

In 3rd grade, we use multiple strategies to edit our writing.
Next week, we are finishing up our EXPOSITORY WRITING unit--which allows us to focus on answering questions fully and completely through paragraph writing.  You might even see some home this weekend to finish being worked on!

Editing strategy #3 is called: DOT AND SAY In this editing strategy, students use a blue marker to dot under each word as they read it to be sure that all of their words are grammatically correct and that they did not miss any word. As your child uses this strategy, the expectation is that they read each and every word aloud while they are re-reading their draft!

Editing strategy #2 is called: GREEN LIGHT RED LIGHT In this editing strategy, students use green and red markers. The purpose for Green Light Red Light is to check for an equal amount of capitals at the beginning on sentences as end marks at the end of the sentence.  For each sentence, the students are expected to underline the first letter of the first word in green 3x (even if it is correct--to show that they checked it and it IS INDEED correct) and circle the end mark (period, exclamation or question mark) in their red pen. If a student needs to fix the first letter of their sentence if it is not capitalized, they must not only underline it 3x, they must also cross it out (in their green marker) and write it correctly above the lowercase letter to show that it has been changed correctly.  Along the same lines, if they have missed an end mark at the end of a sentence, the students must write it in with their red marker and circle it as well!

Editing strategy #3 is called: ORANGE SQUARE In this editing strategy, the students use an orange marker to be sure that they have indented where each paragraph is expected to begin. If they have indented correctly at the beginning of the paragraph, they are still expected to draw an orange square in the exact spot of their indentation and put the paragraph number inside the square. For expository writing in grade 3, the students only have to label one paragraph as their stories are only one paragraph long. In personal narratives, students must show their indentation in all 3 paragraphs (beginning, middle and end). If the student has not indented in their draft, they must put their orange square with the number of the paragraph they are labeling right in front of the first word of each of their paragraphs.  ***Disclaimer---they will likely be able to SHOW that easier than I just TOLD IT! :)

Editing strategy #4 is called: BOTTOM TO TOP In this editing strategy, the students used a purple marker to check spelling and proper noun capitalization errors. Students start at the bottom of their draft and read each word as it stands--going completely backward. They are not at all looking for their writing to make sense in this strategy, more so looking specifically for spelling errors. If a word sounds or looks incorrect, they are to circle it with their purple marker. If the word looks correct, they should make a purple dot underneath the word. After they get to the top of their draft, they should look up the spelling of the words that they circled. They can use Microsoft word--by typing the word in and seeing if it gets underlined in red, then right clicking on the word to find the correct spelling. They can also use a dictionary--whichever, as it is really their preference! They are then expected to write the word in purple correctly above their incorrect circled word. If a circled word is actually correct, I usually put a C on the circle, or a little star to show that I checked it. Each child has their own way to show that it is correct.

We have another editing strategy that I will share more with you soon as we are getting back into our PERSONAL NARRATIVE style writing!

Westside School Dance


We will be having a WESTSIDE SCHOOL DANCE on February 21 from 6:30-8:30 pm.

Save the Date:
Westside Elementary School will be having a school dance!
Dancing ** Glow Sticks **Snacks ** Dance Contest
The dance is for current Westside Elementary School students only, and is free! All students must be accompanied by an adult at the dance and at all times. More information will be sent home soon.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Math this week

This week in math we are continuing our work in GEOMETRY! Our lessons will focus on Quadrangles (shapes with 4 angles), Polygons (many sided shapes) and Drawing Angles (right, obtuse, acute). Ask your children to share with you a strategy we have been practicing to remember the different types of angles! 

Each homelink will continue to be given participation points, so please be sure that your child has completed them each night. Late homelinks for reasons outside of sickness/absences will be given half credit and incomplete homelinks will be given a no credit.

Thank you for your continued support of what your children are learning by sharing in that experience as it transitions from school to home!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Reminder: No school Monday, January 20!

Reminder! We do not have school on Monday, January 20th! Teachers are having a professional development day! See you all on Tuesday!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Jan 20-24 Spelling Lists

Lists are coming home tonight (Friday) for next week as there is not school on Monday.  Many students struggled on the assessment today, so please be sure that you are reviewing the words/word parts each night.

Jan 20-24's lists focus on the 'morphograph' 'ness (the state of; that which is) and sub- (under; below)

Please check your child's bag.

Home practice activity suggestions for each night are as follows:

Monday--copy your list into your agenda so you have easy access to it all week
Tuesday--play 'MISSING LETTER' on
Wednesday--play 'HANG MOUSE' on
Thursday--take the S-Test (just for practice) on or practice writing the words on paper
Friday--Play any games, or preview the next week's list @

List A
1. darkness
2. silliness
3. loneliness
4. fairness
5. slowness
6. lightness
7. hardness
8. subsoil
9. subfloor
10. subtopic
11. submarine
12. subpar
13. subway
14. subdivide
15. subtitle
16. subtotal
17. goodness
18. weakness
19. closeness
20. hardness

List B
1. loneliness
2. silliness
3. awareness
4. ripeness
5. weakness
6. lightness
7. tidiness
8. fairness
9. correctness
10. hideousness
11. subfloor
12. submarine
13. subdivide
14. subtopic
15. subpar
16. protection
17. accountant
18. amphibian
19. imitation
20. irrigation


 Midterms are coming home tonight!  They are printed on light brown paper. I am not going to put them all in envelopes, so be sure that you  keep an eye out for them in your children's folders!

If you need an additional copy, please let me know and I will have that ready for you!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Fun way to practice spelling--every week!

Each and every week I will have the spelling words posted on my "Spelling City" website.

The children have worked through it in school to take their assessments on Friday, but now you are able to pre-test and practice through games at home during the week. The activities are fun, and the kids don't even realize that they are learning!

Check it out:

I do not have the full premium version, so some activities are not possible for your kids, but there are a ton of options available!

Hope you are staying warm!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Jan 13-17, 2014 MATH

We are starting a new unit in Geometry this week! Each homelink will receive completion points. If it's late, it will be half credit. If it is left undone, it will receive the grade 0.

Monday: Homelink 6.1 (review of line segments, rays and lines)
Tuesday: Homelink 6.2 (looking more at line segments, rays and lines, paying attention to our reviewed vocabulary-parallel and intersecting)
Wednesday: Homelink 6.3 (right angles--finding them around your home)
Thursday: Homelinke 6.4 (triangles--drawing different types of triangles)

Friday: to be determined :)

Week 17 Spelling List B

Spelling Lesson 17 (List B)

1.   misbehave

2.   misconduct

3.   misguide

4.   misjudge

5.   mistrust

6.   disagreeable

7.   discomfort

8.   discontent

9.   dishonest

10.                   disinfect

11.                   disregard

12.                   disrespect

13.                   bifocals

14.                   bilingual

15.                   binoculars

16.                   preparation

17.                   knowledge

18.                   imaginary

19.                   combination

20.                   exclamation


Week 17 Spelling List A

Spelling Lesson 17 (List A)

1.   misfit

2.   misprint

3.   misbehave

4.   mismatch

5.   misspell

6.   mistreat

7.   miscount

8.   disable

9.   dishonest

10.     distrust

11.     dislike

12.     disloyal

13.     disagree

14.     disobey

15.     disappear

16.     biweekly

17.     bicycle

18.     biceps

19.     biannual

20.     bicolor