Friday, January 31, 2014




Dear Parents and Students,

          Valentine’s Day is just around the corner! We will be decorating bags later this week for our valentines to be put in, so there is no need to bring a box or bag!  On Wednesday, February 12, the students can start bringing in their valentines to pass out during snack time! Please make sure your child is making a valentine out to each and every person in our classroom. Your child does not have to bring valentines, but if you do PLEASE BE SURE TO BRING ONE FOR EACH STUDENT IN OUR CLASS. It is important to double check you have remembered everyone in the class, as we do not want any hurt feelings. We have 13 boys and 10 girls, which can be a little tricky to remember everyone; so included at the bottom of this letter is a class list to make sure you have everyone!!!   We will open all of the valentines together on Friday, February 14th, during our Valentine’s Day party around 2pm. Thank you so much!

 Names of Girls in our Class:                        Names of Boys in our Class:

          *Asho                                                          *Matthew
          *Zaylea                                                        *Adam
          *Joslyn                                                         *Benito                 
          *Rylie                                                           *Tristan
          *Mara                                                          *Eastin
          *Olivia                                                          *Mitchell
          *Jetta                                                          *Arop
          *Alexis                                                         *Aidan
           *Jayda                                                         *Payton                           *Macey                                                          *Tyler


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