Friday, January 17, 2014

Jan 20-24 Spelling Lists

Lists are coming home tonight (Friday) for next week as there is not school on Monday.  Many students struggled on the assessment today, so please be sure that you are reviewing the words/word parts each night.

Jan 20-24's lists focus on the 'morphograph' 'ness (the state of; that which is) and sub- (under; below)

Please check your child's bag.

Home practice activity suggestions for each night are as follows:

Monday--copy your list into your agenda so you have easy access to it all week
Tuesday--play 'MISSING LETTER' on
Wednesday--play 'HANG MOUSE' on
Thursday--take the S-Test (just for practice) on or practice writing the words on paper
Friday--Play any games, or preview the next week's list @

List A
1. darkness
2. silliness
3. loneliness
4. fairness
5. slowness
6. lightness
7. hardness
8. subsoil
9. subfloor
10. subtopic
11. submarine
12. subpar
13. subway
14. subdivide
15. subtitle
16. subtotal
17. goodness
18. weakness
19. closeness
20. hardness

List B
1. loneliness
2. silliness
3. awareness
4. ripeness
5. weakness
6. lightness
7. tidiness
8. fairness
9. correctness
10. hideousness
11. subfloor
12. submarine
13. subdivide
14. subtopic
15. subpar
16. protection
17. accountant
18. amphibian
19. imitation
20. irrigation

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