Monday, January 6, 2014

Writing & Social Studies Jan 6-10, 2014

This week in writing I will be introducing a new form of writing--EXPOSITORY WRITING!

The students will be using a graphic organizer to answer different STANDARDIZED QUESTIONS--for example, this week, I will be modeling the following 2 questions:
1. Describe your ideal vacation. List 2 reasons why it is your favorite. Use supporting details.
2. Describe your dream bedroom. List 2 things you would include in your bedroom. Use supporting details.

We will also begin using the same graphic organizer to help us narrow down our research regarding a specific continent. We will be learning a lot about North America this week as a class while students individually study the other continents in preparation for presenting their findings by late next week or early the following week depending on how quickly they can work with today's snow day.

Over the next two weeks, in Social Studies we will also be learning the location of the continents as well as key ideas about each of the continents.

If you have any interesting continents books at home, feel free to send them to enhance our research! We have quite a good variety in the school, but kids love bringing their own materials from home as well!

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