Friday, January 24, 2014

What does Editing look like in Grade 3?

In 3rd grade, we use multiple strategies to edit our writing.
Next week, we are finishing up our EXPOSITORY WRITING unit--which allows us to focus on answering questions fully and completely through paragraph writing.  You might even see some home this weekend to finish being worked on!

Editing strategy #3 is called: DOT AND SAY In this editing strategy, students use a blue marker to dot under each word as they read it to be sure that all of their words are grammatically correct and that they did not miss any word. As your child uses this strategy, the expectation is that they read each and every word aloud while they are re-reading their draft!

Editing strategy #2 is called: GREEN LIGHT RED LIGHT In this editing strategy, students use green and red markers. The purpose for Green Light Red Light is to check for an equal amount of capitals at the beginning on sentences as end marks at the end of the sentence.  For each sentence, the students are expected to underline the first letter of the first word in green 3x (even if it is correct--to show that they checked it and it IS INDEED correct) and circle the end mark (period, exclamation or question mark) in their red pen. If a student needs to fix the first letter of their sentence if it is not capitalized, they must not only underline it 3x, they must also cross it out (in their green marker) and write it correctly above the lowercase letter to show that it has been changed correctly.  Along the same lines, if they have missed an end mark at the end of a sentence, the students must write it in with their red marker and circle it as well!

Editing strategy #3 is called: ORANGE SQUARE In this editing strategy, the students use an orange marker to be sure that they have indented where each paragraph is expected to begin. If they have indented correctly at the beginning of the paragraph, they are still expected to draw an orange square in the exact spot of their indentation and put the paragraph number inside the square. For expository writing in grade 3, the students only have to label one paragraph as their stories are only one paragraph long. In personal narratives, students must show their indentation in all 3 paragraphs (beginning, middle and end). If the student has not indented in their draft, they must put their orange square with the number of the paragraph they are labeling right in front of the first word of each of their paragraphs.  ***Disclaimer---they will likely be able to SHOW that easier than I just TOLD IT! :)

Editing strategy #4 is called: BOTTOM TO TOP In this editing strategy, the students used a purple marker to check spelling and proper noun capitalization errors. Students start at the bottom of their draft and read each word as it stands--going completely backward. They are not at all looking for their writing to make sense in this strategy, more so looking specifically for spelling errors. If a word sounds or looks incorrect, they are to circle it with their purple marker. If the word looks correct, they should make a purple dot underneath the word. After they get to the top of their draft, they should look up the spelling of the words that they circled. They can use Microsoft word--by typing the word in and seeing if it gets underlined in red, then right clicking on the word to find the correct spelling. They can also use a dictionary--whichever, as it is really their preference! They are then expected to write the word in purple correctly above their incorrect circled word. If a circled word is actually correct, I usually put a C on the circle, or a little star to show that I checked it. Each child has their own way to show that it is correct.

We have another editing strategy that I will share more with you soon as we are getting back into our PERSONAL NARRATIVE style writing!

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